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Auto Hero’s risk-free advertising, now with a money back guarantee.

Moneyback GT

Q. Why do we provide an advertising guarantee?

A. Money-back guarantees are about our performance, not our promises to you.

Over the last 7 years, we have perfected selling tyres online.

Our product offering is so successful we have become the highest-reviewed tyre website in Australia. Check us out here:

Auto Hero is the perfect solution for generating leads online for your bricks and mortar tyre business, customers see us as a trusted source of tyre options and reviews while Auto businesses see us as a reliable source of new customers.

With the world rapidly changing around us, Auto businesses are realising the importance of the internet to expand their customer base and increase sales.

In these uncertain times, our team at Auto Hero is certain about one thing:

“Customers are turning to online purchasing for the comfort and safety of their home”

To prove to you the online trend is advancing rapidly, we are excited to offer for the first time in our history, our risk-free advertising with a money-back guarantee.

We are so confident that you will get high quality leads from Auto Hero that if you do not get any calls or leads, ad views or enquiries we will refund you the monthly fee for that month.

How to check your ROI

Auto Hero’s Easy to understand tracking system measures everything, so you can see your return on investment in real-time under the “traffic tab” within your account. 

Eligibility Criteria and T&C’s for refunds.

  • You must quote or respond on every job.
  • You must fill the “top-selling tyres” in your area to 100% health.
  • Mobile dealers included.
  • Open to existing and customers.
  • Refunds do not predate your last 1 billing cycles, If you have an issue with us, please bring it to our attention immediately.

For pricing or further questions, please contact me today.


Matt Banks

Your Digital Wingman!

M:0415 767 767


  • The Mechanic & Tyre Store Marketing Pros.
  • Spank your competitor’s ass at proposal time! Tyre Quote Pro
  • New Smart-Ass Feature Just Launched


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